Channel Rules i) Zones (1) FSZ (Face Strip Zone - Face Stripping by HC only) (2) NFCZ (No Forced Collar Zone) (3) NCZ (No Capture Zone) (4) NKZ (No Kill Zone) ii) Rules for Free Persons (1) PMs NO pms to slaves without permission from OP. (2) How One becomes a Citizen. a) Free must be in the City at least one week, and then the HC will vote on allowing the person to become a Citizen. b) Prospective Citizens will then be asked to come to a High Council meeting to be interviewed. (3) How one becomes HC. For One to become HC, they must be voted in by the current HC. It must it be a unanimous vote of acceptance for the new member. (4) What constitutes a kickable offence after the first warning. a) Slander of the HC or City b) Disruption c) Pming girls without permission d) Non Consensual acts e) Verbal abuse of slaves f) General Non-Gorean Behaviour (5) What constitutes as a bannable offence after the first warning are adhered to. a) Slander of the HC or City b) Disruption c) Pming girls without permission d) Non Consensual acts e) Verbal abuse of slaves f) General Non-Gorean Behaviour (6) What constitutes as a permanent ban offence after all apparent warnings have been adhered to (aka AKICK or chanserv ban) a) Slander of the HC or City b) Disruption c) Pming girls without permission d) Non Consensual acts e) Verbal abuse of slaves f) General Non-Gorean Behaviour