A slave with no previous training will spend time in white silks learning by observing. After a week observing the slave may begin to serve the Citzens of Tharna for practice. Don't try to learn everything at once or you will become overwhelmed. Observe, practice, and it will come with time. A slave with previous training will be assessed and placed appropriately. Karta for white silk slaves: lowering body over them to the sands at the left of the door, cheek pressed to the floor in respect, arms out before you wrists crossed and fingers spread to beg permission to enter. *NOTE*: ankles do not cross, getting up from this position is not graceful. Kneel Tower for white silk slaves: knees together, back straight, chin up, eyes down. Wrists are crossed and hands are down on your thighs to show you are not opened for use. *NOTE*: a slave always kneels this way when he/she serves at a same sex Free Person's furs, no matter what status of silk they are. As a white silk your main duty is to learn by observation and asking questions. The people of Tharna are more than willing to help you learn as long as you approach it with respect and a willingness. This is the time the High Council and kajira of Tharna including {dizzy}S^D-fg will begin to instruct you in Gorean ways. As a white silk you will learn: The three colors of silks and their general meaning on Gor. The duties and restrictions of the three groups of silks. 16 of the 33 positions in the bot. How to describe foods and drinks and be able to tell how they are stored and served, and three dances of Gor. White silk slaves are not to be touched by the Free, this means no lapping, or cuddling. Trainers of Tharna will teach you more as you become accustomed to what you have already learned. You learned the basics as a white silk, and now is the time to expand on that to be come a yellow silk. To move from white silks to yellow silks at time of review you will be asked to: Do three dances of the slaves choice. Describe at least five Gorean drinks and how to serve them TBA at the time of the review. Describe at least five Gorean foods, and how to serve them TBA at the time of the review. Name and describe at least 16 positions as they were instructed to you TBA at time of review. Demonstrate abilty to serve both food and drink from a nadu kneel or tower. CONGRATULATIONS you are now a yellow silk of Tharna: Yellow Silks Kneel Nadu. Now is the time for even more in depth training as you will build on these skills to become a red silk pleasure slave. *NOTE*: ankles do not cross, getting up from this position is not graceful. Yellow Silks may lap, and cuddle, but they are still restricted from alcoving but may be permitted to do so if a member of the High Council (HC) gives permission to the Master requesting this service. Trainers of Tharna will teach you more as you become accustomed to what you have already learned. You learned the basics as a yellow silk, and now is the time to expand on that to be come a red silk. To move from yellow silks to red silks: This is the time for the knowledge of Gor to be instructed to you such as time, measurements, animals, plants, and other such things that make Gor different from Earth. It will help you demonstrate knowledge of Gorean customs and ideal ologies. Also, you will expand further on what you have learned as a yellow silk. At time of review you may be asked to perform: A dance of the Tester's choice (planned, you will know before hand and have time to prepare) A dance of the Tester's choice (impromptu, you will have to wing it) All 33 positions in the bot. As well as 2 more dances not listed, for review or while learned in white silks. Demonstrate knowledge of Gor based on a series of questions about Gorean customs, and how things differ on Gor from Earth, TBA at time of review. A bazi tea ceremony. Upon completion of these reviews you will be given red silks. CONGRATULATIONS, you are a pleasure slave of Tharna.
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