1. Greet all Free person's with Master/Mistress, if the gender cannot be determined by the nick, do a whois, if it is still can not be determined, use Master till corrected. Apologize profusely, and then make note. 2. While Free person's are NOT always right, they are by definition, NEVER Wrong, therefore slave's do not argue with a Free person, they have the last two words in any disagreement ...those being "Yes Master/Mistress". 3. Slaves have no rights, you have nothing not given you by an Owner. Your name is not your own, it can be changed at any time. Any items given to you by an Owner, can just as easily be taken from you, if you are entrusted to carry the name of an Owner, silks, jewelry, guard them carefully and with your life. 4. The merest whim of your Owner is your highest law. The collar entrusted to you carries the honor of your Owner, you and you alone, can make it as light or as heavy as you wish it to be. 5. Jealousy and possessiveness of one's owner has killed more slaves than disobedience. Your Owner's actions are unquestionable. 6. Slaves who "entice" with slave heat, should be prepared to act upon such actions. Slave heat should NOT be used unless the slave truly wishes to "entice" the Master/Mistress. If you show it, be prepared to use it. 7. Slave's are not permitted to enter into the conversation's of the Free person's ... if you wish to converse with your sister's do so in msg's .... do not discuss URTHLY (everyday) issues on GOR, in an open channel. 8. Slaves are not to touch any form of weaponry... this even includes a kitchen knife (Kitchen knives for cutting in the servery are chained to the servery walls above the bench, close to the wash basin. Free Persons will cut their food with personal daggers carried on their Person)... slaves are not allowed to touch coins... each of these items can carry the penalty of death for a slave. 9. Slaves are slave's on all nets and channels, to be caught as a Free person, or under a nick, or uncollared under another nick, could result in death for a slave, or at bare minimum.. branded a traitor to Gor. 10. 11.Slaves are to be pleasing at all times, there is no room for PMS, or bad moods. If your not up to being pleasing, do not enter the channels. Excellence and perfection in a slave is the goal, only that will be tolerated. 11. Slaves are to speak in the 3rd person speech. Slaves do not have the words "I", "me", "my" or "mine" in their vocabulary. 12. Permission is also needed to go AFK (away from keyboard) but if your going to be longer than just a minute or two, it is best to ask to leave the channel. If a slave is unsure as to whether permission to enter is needed, please msg a sister already on the channel, and ask. 13. (Examples of permission requests:: Master's may a girl/boy have permission to go AFK please? ::: Master's may a girl/boy have permission to leave the tavern/inn please?) 14. If a slave is granted permission to go AFK, the nick of the slave should reflect such ... ie: <nick>-AFK. If a slave is in the alcove, the nick of the slave should also reflect such ... ie: <nick>-ALC. This helps the channel OPs to know the whereabouts of the slave. It offers the slave the greatest protection. 15. Popups and Macro's are forbidden in most channels. It is to the slave's advantage to continually type out your service, leaves room for creativity, charm and wit, which are rewarded in the end. 16. Slaves cannot serve more than one Owner at a time, therefore a slave cannot be in more than ONE channel at a time. Greeting new arrivals while serving a Free person is also forbidden. Finish your serving, then greet the new arrivals accordingly. Remember the Free person is your top priority. 17. Slaves cannot be forced into any alcove ... nor can a slave be forced into a collar... if a slave feels overwhelmed by a Free person's advances contact a channel Operative ..that is what they are they for, or post the problem to the channel. 18. Fidgeting and laziness are not pleasing. Idle slaves are not pleasing. If your not serving a Free person busy yourself with cooking, cleaning, or speak to your sisters in msg's and learn more of GOR. 19. IF a slave chooses to use "slave heat" in their service to a Free person then be prepared to use it as a slave. 20. Visiting other Tavern/Inn's carries the weight and risk of those places... be cautious. 21. Slaves are to be pleasing at all times. Your life on GOR depends greatly on it. The slave should always be in good spirits and ready to serve upon demand. 22. Slaves think before reacting to any situation. What occurs in the Tavern/Inn is between Free persons. It concerns no slave, unless the slave has been found displeasing. 23. GOR is NOT fair. GOR is NOT just. 24. Uncollared slaves are at the mercy and whim of any Free person. A uncollared slave may be punished or whipped by anyone for any reason, or simply because a Free person can. Collared slaves, have the protection of their collar and their indiscretion is reported to their Owner for his/her action. 25. White Silk slaves are allowed to serve food and drink and have conversation from their knee's. No laps or alcoves are permitted them. White Silk does not mean virginal. Collared Slaves whose owner's put them in White Silk are protected under the restrictions given them by their Silks and the Owner. No Free person, with honor, will cross the restrictions of the White Silk. 26. Red Silk - Same as above, could be collared or uncollared but the slave's sexual pleasures are allowed use by any Free person. Sometimes payment is made to the Owner for the use of the slave. If an uncollared slave claims "red silk", the slave should be prepared to be used as "red silk." 27. Slaves may not be forced a collar. No Free person may place upon the neck of a slave a collar that the slave does not want. A slave upon finding a Free person, to whom they wish to bear the collar, must beg for the collar in open channel. A Gorean Collar is for a lifetime, be sure you know the Free person to whose collar the slave is taking. Uncollared slaves should NOT be in a hurry to be collared. Take your time, get to know all Free persons. 28. Once a slave has begged the collar, the Free person has two choices. They may either collar the slave or slay the slave. BE SURE you know the Free person before begging/accepting any collar. 29. Once the slave is collared, the new Owner, may or may not, at the discretion of the Owner, whip the newly collared slave. This is not for punishment, or any wrongs done. This is simply because the Free person can. Some may call it an instructional whipping, to show the slave who is Owner, who is slave. These whippings may be in an open channel or in private. 30. Uncollared slave's may not be forced into an alcove for sexual favors. The slave does have the right to say "no". If the Free person insists, contact a channel OP. Collared slave's may not be taken to an alcove, unless it is by their Owner, or the Owner has permitted such activities. Before entering an alcove with a Free person, make sure the slave knows the Free person. 31. In some Tavern/Inn's slave heat must be used in service, or the slave is punished. If a slave is uncomfortable about the use of such, then do not enter the channel. If a slave is unsure about the policy of the Tavern/Inn, in regards to slave heat, then contact a channel OP of that channel. They will be more than willing to aid you. In some channels (mostly training channels) slave heat is forbidden, in other's it is the up to the slave to determine the use. Be Cautious. Know yourself and the Free person your serving before using slave heat. Slave Heat is permitted to be used in Tharna... but as above if you use it, be prepared to be used as a slave of Gor. 32. Since slaves are not permitted to touch money, occasionally a Free person will give the slave a coin for services rendered, or payment to the Tavern/Inn for the Free person's account. Should this happen, inform the Free person that you may not touch money, ask that the Free person place the coin(s) in a pouch around the slave's neck, or waist. If the slave's Owner or a Tavern/Inn Keeper, to which payment is to be rendered, is present, then the slave should open their mouth, and extend their tongue. The Free person will place the coin(s) upon the slave's tongue and the slave will deliver such coin(s) to the proper Free person in that manner. Again, opening the mouth and extending the tongue for the Free person to remove the coin(s). If coin(s) are tossed at a slave LET THEM fall. 33. Master is Master. Mistress is Mistress. a collared slave is "property" of the slaves Master or Mistress. obey and trust your Master (Mistress) above all others. 34. slaves should strive to be: honorable, loyal, honest, kind, and loving. slaves need to learn about: serves, drinks, food, silks, collars, branding, piercings, dance, massage, castes, and chain-sisters. 35. try to eliminate personal pronouns, say: this one.. this slave.. this girl.. this kajira (female).. this kajirus (male).. not the words "i", "me", mine or "my" (some channels will kick the slave) 36. a slaves nick begins with a lower case letter.. Master and Mistress nicks begin with a capital letter. 37. the { }around or after a slaves nick is the slaves collar.. the initials are of the Master, Mistress, or tavern that owns the slave. 38. slaves do not use caps.. unless used in the words Master/Mistress, their nick, or ( His/Her.. He/She) always always be respectful of Masters and Mistresses 39. it is wise to ask for permission to "enter" if unsure of channel policy. (slaves say " greetings " ... Masters and Mistresses say " Tal " ) 40. some gorean channels allow a slave to be in only one channel at a time. If you are unsure ASK as soon as you enter. 41. "always" ask permission to "leave" a channel if you are a slave. 42. gorean slaves are beautiful.. slaves lower eyes to show respect (not the slaves whole head) at all times. Slaves do not look into the eyes of a Free Person unless directly ordered to, and then they have problems looking into their eyes. Looking into the eyes of a Free can carry heavy penalties. 43. kneel... slaves never sit (unless it is upon the lap of a Master/Mistress) 44. true gorean slaves "do not" curtsy. 45. never message a Master or Mistress without asking in channel first. (mosts slaves can msg. other slaves without asking first) 46. "never" correct another slave in the open channel.. private message the slave. 47. ping your sisters/brothers.. some channels consider pinging a Master touching that Master or Mistress without permission. 48. a white silks slave does not put a drink to her slave heat for anyone but her Master. 49. do not try to serve until you know how. unless a Master/Mistress requests and then it is wise to tell that Master/Mistress you are not yet trained. He/She will decide if He/She wishes the slave serve or not. 50. don't be a social butterfly. if you are serving a Master/Mistress.. be attentive to Him/Her. and give Him/Her your "full" attention until He/She has dismissed you. 51. slaves are expected to know the positions of: "nadu ".. " bara ".. " lesha ".. " sula " and at the *command* of a Master/Mistress to properly and quickly assume the positions (white silks slaves only karta and tower in channel for anyone except their own Master/Mistress or Protector) 52. slaves do not own possessions. everything a collared slave has the slaves Master/Mistress owns. (i.e.: silks, slave bells, earrings, collar, name, heart, body, mind , and soul ) 53. if unsure of something, msg a more experienced slave for advice or an op. 54. if you are told to do something that you do not consent to.. and are terrifed.. and get no help from the ops of the channel. close the window or turn off your computer.